The glory of the early woodland garden, hellebores offer 20 species, blooming in very early spring. Place them in average, well-drained garden soil under the shade of trees. Deer and vole-resistant, hellebores spread slowly to become a low maintenance ground cover. These sturdy plants feature interesting foliage and outward-facing flowers in a wide color range. Our selections cover a wide range of colors. Grows 18" tall by 24" wide. Zone 4-8
Dicentra (Bleeding Hearts)
This old-fashioned, ephemeral plant still spells “Spring” to many gardeners. 24-36” tall, it grows in
part to full shade matures into a clump 18-30” wide and is deer-resistant. Very long-lived, Bleeding​ Hearts hardly ever needs dividing as it goes dormant in the hot summer. It’s a good idea to mark its location in the garden! Yellowing foliage can be hidden with Hostas or Ferns.
Pulmonaria is always one of the first perennials to bloom. A natural for shady woodland gardens, their flowers glow against the foliage. New forms have been introduced in the last few years featuring white, pink and even blue flowers. A low-
growing plant, Pulmonaria is basically a woodland plant and prefers a moist location. The plant combines well with Astilbe, Ferns and Hostas.
Blooming spring through summer, Astilbes ask only for some moisture. In return, they give you
beautiful, long-blooming showy flowers , height ranging from 6” to 5’, and airy, fern-like foliage.
These sturdy shade lovers are very hardy and long-lived and provide dependable color for the shade garden throughout the summer. They are virtually
trouble-free and do not need staking or deadheading.
Galium (Sweet Woodruff)
This mat-forming perennial is most often grown as a ground cover for moist, shady areas and features small, fragrant white flowers in April and May. Low-maintenance, the plant is a fixture in herb and rock gardens, shady borders and naturalized areas. Grows 8-12" tall by 6-18" wide. Zone 4-8
Ostrich Fern
A shady, damp corner of your garden is the perfect spot for Ostrich Fern (Matteuccia struthiopteris). This plant should be sited where the gardener can admire its airy quality as the fronds move in the breeze. Ostrich Fern requires watering as
it establishes itself and appreciates a little fertilizer from time to time but it will quickly form its spreading root system and fill in the available space. Grows 3'-5' tall and wide.
phlox 'Jeana'
Lavender-pink, fragrant flowers bloom for many months. Outstanding mildew resistance. Irresistible to butterflies. 36" tall.
Agastache (Hyssop)
This perennial has everything going for it! Its long flower spikes offer color to the garden from mid-summer through fall. Ranging in height from 12-48”, the plants form thick clumps, prefer full sun and good air circulation and will thrive in lean, dry soil. The aromatic foliage and flowers are particularly appealing to hummingbirds, bees and butterflies but are deer and rabbit resistant.
Dianthus (pinks)
With over 300 species of Dianthus available, this plant has something for everyone! Completely low maintenance, Dianthus ranges from 6–24”. Flowering happily from late spring to midsummer. Its blue-green, grassy foliage, spicy scent and bright colors are always popular in rock gardens and the front of a sunny border. Deer-resistant, Dianthus will prefers not to be mulched as it is a natural spreader.
Ornamental Grasses
As a group, ornamental grasses grow in graceful fountain shapes; many produce bottlebrush plumes and colorful foliage and all sway in the slightest breeze. They thrive in sun, heat and humidity. Useful as specimen plants, they are also impressive planted en masse and combine well with the last of the autumn perennials. They provide 12-month landscape interest, a safe winter home for birds and a focal point in your winter landscape. Zone 5-9.
Liatris (Blazing Star)
Blooming from late summer into fall in sun gardens, Liatris blooms provide a visual “wow” in the garden with purple, rose or white flowers on spikes, and attract butterflies and bees. They make excellent cut flowers although, oddly enough, the flowers bloom and open from the top down! Once established, they will tolerate dry soil and drought. Grows 2'-4' tall by 10"-18" wide. Zone 3-8.
Helenium (Sneezeweed)
Blooming cheerfully from August to October, Helenium is easily grown in moist, well-drained
soil in full sun. A wide size range and blooms in shades of yellow, orange and red make this plant
a good “mixer”. Birds are very attracted to Helenium. Grows 3'-5' tall by 2'-3' wide. Zone 3-8.
Echinacea (Coneflower)
These hardy prairie plants are long-blooming and drought tolerant and feature a wide range of colors including white, pink and purple. Plant in full sun. Deer-resistant, they attract birds and butterflies. Some gardeners leave the plants standing through the winter and then shear them back in the spring to make bushier plants. Grows 2'-4' tall by 2'-3' wide. Zone 3-9.
Having a very unique fan-like appearance, this native fern will surely stand out in the garden! This fern grows 8-20" fronds that spread into a near perfect circle. The roots and stems are black and wiry, detailing the plant with a delicate look. It will grow best in moist, lightly shaded areas, spreading to a width of 2'.
Gaining its name from American Herbalist Joe Pye, Eupatorium
provides a valuable pollen and nectar resource for native pollinators. Versatile enough to grow in full sun to part-shade conditions, blooming in late summer through early fall. It will reach 4-6', with large dome shaped flowerheads that bear pink-lavender flowers.
Since Asters bloom late in the season, they provide a critical food source for pollinators. It will also bring a pop of color to the garden when all other flowers are done blooming. Growing to be 3-5' tall, this Aster adorns itself with clusters of pink-purple flowers from late summer through October. It will thrive in full sun to part shade and is perfect for a native pollinator garden!
It's blazing shades of yellow bring substance to the fall garden and add height to naturalistic planting. It is happiest in full sun. Perfect for a casual, low maintenance fall border. Grows 1'-5' tall.
Milkweeds produce a toxic sap that monarch caterpillars rely on for survival. When they eat the leaves, the toxic compounds build up in their system providing them with a form of defense against predation. The plant produces clumps of white, star-shaped flowers from July to early fall, growing best in full sun. It will reach 3' high and 2-3' wide, and is a staple for any native pollinator garden!
Native plants have some of the most interesting adaptations for survival, and this Lobelia is no different! This plant produces a compound known as lobeline that will deter herbivores. So while it deters deer and rabbits, it attracts pollinators such as hummingbirds and butterflies! It will grow to a height of 4', producing spikes of striking red flowers. Blooming from July through September, it thrives in full to part sun and moist soils.