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Herbs can be more than kitchen companions to the vegetables you grow. Think about inter-planting herbs and vegetables in the garden. (Harvesting dinner will be easy!) Try Basil and Tomatoes, Chives and Carrots, Rosemary and Beans.  Marjoram, Oregano, Sage and Tarragon are some other great herbs that will add flavor to any dish! 


corsican mint

Corsican Mint is a strong smelling, creeping groundcover (you can actually step on it so many gardeners use it on or near their terraces).  Like many mints, it serves as a natural repellent...not just to insects but also to mice.  Give it partial sun, average to moist soil and water as needed.

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Spearmint is a classic, important culinary herb, easy to grow.  Best to grow in containers due to its robust rooting and spreading habit and it over-winters well in the containers.  It's easy to harvest.


German chamomile

Known as an edible flower to garnish salads, desserts, and drinks, German Chamomile offers a sweet, grassy flavor. Good yields of small, honey scented, daisy-like flowers, which make a lovely tea for sleep and digestion. Produces flowers in 60-65 days, and can be used fresh or dried.



We love our 'Devotion' and 'Passion' basil!  These Genovese type plants have a compact (but highly productive) habit, with large, cupped, medium green leaves.  Slightly sweet and spicy aroma, with 74 days to maturity.  Great for containers or in the garden.  Incredibly resistant to downy mildew.

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The little flowers are lovely but should be snipped off.  Rosemary, both the upright and trailing varieties, look terrific in mixed containers where its spikes interact with other foliage.  The stems, stripped of leaves, can even be used for small shish kebabs!  It likes to be a little on the dry side and combines particularly well with Thyme, Oregano and Sage.



It's earthy flavor is under-used in the kitchen and that's too bad because it's one of the most diversified herbs grown...good with pasta, fish or chicken!  Sautéing brings out its flavor even more and it combines well with other herbs.  Add it, chopped, to softened butter, spread it on chicken and head for the the barbecue!  Insects ignore it and it will overwinter in the garden.


Acer Gardens is your “go to” place for vegetable seeds and starter plants. Knowledgeable staff will be happy

to help you choose what you need to make your vegetable growing a pleasure and to answer questions.

Click to read Acer Gardens' handout on Growing Vegetables.

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Cucumbers wait for the weather to get hot before they get going so don’t plant them too early.  Available as either bush or vine, cucumbers need 1” of consistent water a week and fertile soil.  Mulching lightly will hold in soil moisture.  Keeping them

picked, even on a daily basis, will allow the plant to keep on producing through the summer and into early fall.


Onion sets

In addition to our onion starter plants, onion sets are available in the spring.  Growing from onion sets saves time as the crops will be ready in 40-60 days.  Make sure the soil is warm, at least 45 degrees Fahrenheit, before you plant.



Seed potatoes

The nursery carries ready-to-plant seed potatoes in the spring.  Plant them in full sun, well-spaced in well drained-soil.  Potatoes can be planted in rows but also do well in grow bags.



Asparagus can be grown from seed but the Nursery offers 1 year old "crowns" in the spring to get you off to a faster start.  It will still take several years before you harvest asparagus spears but it's always worth the wait!

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Tomato 'Sunsugar'

When it comes to tomatoes, 'Sunsugar' is one of our favorites! Long clusters of super sweet, 1" orange fruit cascade off the plant until frost. Perfect for snacking and salads, it is one of the tastiest cherry tomatoes around.  Indeterminate, 65 days to maturity.

Vampires beware, we have #garlic! Hard and soft-neck varieties available to help keep your


Plant both hardneck and softneck garlic in the fall.  Take the garlic cloves apart and plant 4-6" apart 1.5-2" deep.  Mulch lightly with straw.  After the foliage yellows in midsummer you can start to harvest and dry the garlic. Garlic bulbs are available in the fall.

Beet 'Boldor'

'Boldor' is owner Sharon's favorite beet variety! Large, dark golden beets with a rich yellow interior that retains its color once cooked. The excellent, sweet flavor makes it unique among golden beets. The young leaves are a wonderful salad addition. 55 days to maturity, and hardy to zone 2 for extra early and late fall planting.

pepper 'ace'

This plant bears extra early peppers in 50 days after planting, and features a high yield of medium-size, 3-4 lobed fruits. 

447 Winthrop Road, Deep River, CT.
Phone: (860) 526-9056   Fax: (860) 526-3822
Nursery Hours: Monday - Saturday, 8:30 am-5 pm & Sunday, 8:30 am-3 pm  Open: End of March to Dec. 22nd.


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